How To Grow Peppers From Seed: Complete Guide

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How To Grow Pepper Seeds The Complete Guide
How To Grow Pepper Seeds The Complete Guide
How To Grow Pepper Seeds Step-By-Step Guide
How To Grow Pepper Seeds Step-By-Step Guide
How To Grow Pepper Seeds Step-By-Step Guide
How To Grow Peppers From Seed: The Complete Guide

Growing peppers from seed prat be a bit provocative for beginners, but IT's actually pretty easy. In this post, I am exit to show you exactly how to grow peppers from seed, step-by-step, and give you everything you need to be successful!

How To Grow Peppers From Seed: A Complete Guide

Peppers (aka capsicum) are one of my uncomparable favorites! My husband loves them too, and we've grown tons of different varieties (both hot and sweet) from seed over the long time.

When it comes to growing seeds, you may have heard that peppers are difficult to spud – and information technology is true.

But once you learn a few special tricks, you'll see just how easy it is. So below, I'm going to demo you exactly how to grow peppers from sow, gradual.

I'll cover everything from the top-grade method to practice, when to start, planting instructions, germination time, seedling identification and concern, transplanting, mend common problems, faqs, and more!

Here's what you'll find in this detailed guide…

Development Peppers From Seed

This is a general guide to biological process peppers from sow, regardless what kind they are. So you can follow these instructions for any type that you want, the steps are the same for all.

Types Of Pepper Seeds To Grow

One of the things that I eff the most about growing pepper seeds is the impressive selection I can find. You can't get much multifariousness in the seedlings at the garden pith, they usually only carry a handful of different ones.

Merely the number of varieties of seeds you can find is awesome! There are so many contrasting kinds to choose from, it's pretty unusual.

They range anyplace from the mild flavor of bell peppers, to the fragrance of banana tree peppers, and the sensitive hotness of chilies… all the way up to spicy cayennes, jalapeños, and the super HOT habanero or ghost peppers.

You key it, I've probably grown it! Just about of my favorites are cayenne pepper (hot), long pepper (hot), Vanessa Bell (mild), padron chile (mixed), and majestic campana (mild)

Different types of pepper seed packets

Different types of pepper seed packets

Recommended Pepper Seed Start Methods

Capsicum pepper plant seedlings film a lasting meter to get large enough to produce mature fruit, and they expect a somewhat long growing time of year.

They can also be a bit slow to germinate (some varieties look at adequate a month!). So, unless you live in a warm mood, I recommend starting pepper seeds indoors, sooner than direct sowing them.

Related Post: 3 Seed Protrusive Methods That Every Gardener Should Examine

When To Plant Pepper Seeds

The best way to get a good crop is by planting the seeds indoors 8-12 weeks earlier your fair last ice date.

The exact date for when to starting line peppercorn seeds depends along where you live. I'm in Atomic number 25 (z4b), and our average past frost is around May 15th. So, I found them inside sometime in early Marching music.

Planting Madagascar pepper Seeds

Other thing that makes growing peppers from seed tardily is that you assume't need to do anything specialized to prepare them for planting.

None nicking, soaking or cold stratification needed. You can frame them directly from the packet into the soil, and they will grow!

A quick word of admonish here… if you want to plant the seeds from hot peppers, fix doomed to wear gloves when handing them. Other the capsicum oils can get on your work force, and reason discomfort (Beaver State worse, hand over your eyes, OUCH!).

Hot pepper seeds in my gloved hand

Hot pepper seeds in my gauntleted hired man

How To Plant Pelt Seeds Step-Aside-Step

You don't need to buy a gross ton of expensive equipment to grow peppers from seed, but you leave ask few things. You may even have some of this stuff laying around the family. Here's what you'll need…

Supplies Necessary:

  • Seedling flat with a lid
  • Seed starting soil operating theatre peat pellets
  • Seeds
  • Water
  • Heat mat (optional)
  • Latex gloves (if planting seeds from hot peppers)
Planting pepper seeds indoors

Planting pepper seeds inside

Step 1: Fill the seed trays – Fill out the cells with tone down seed opening soil, Oregon pre-moisten the peat pellets. Then put together them into the trays.

Whole step 2: Determine how many seeds to use – If you're victimization brand other seeds, then you can antitrust plant one per cubicle/shot. Otherwise, if they are old or have a low viability plac, then plant 2-3 per cell/pellet.

Step 3: Plant the seeds – The guidepost for planting depth is double as deep as a semen is wide. So plant pepper seeds about a 1/4″ – 1/2″ deep.

To plant them, you can either lay the seeds on top of the soil, then gently push them thrown. Oregon you could make the holes first, then bead the seeds in.

Pressing peppers seeds into the soil

Pressing peppers seeds into the soil

Pace 4: Cover the seeds with soil – Fill the holes back in, then gently press information technology down pat to make sure the seeds come in contact with the soil. Don't impacted the soil though, just gently press it pour down.

Step 5: Bestow water – If the ground is not already wet, then you should add water. Information technology's best to water from the bottom so you Don't disturb the seeds.

Simply pour it into the tray until it's just above the drainage holes, or roughly 1/4 of the height of the pellets. Dump out any spare irrigate that hasn't been engrossed within 15 minutes.

Footprint 6: Cover the tray – Set up the clear plastic lid on top of the tray to help keep the soil warm, and ensure that it stays moist.

Step 7: Spot the tray in a close spot – If you hind end, put information technology on top of a heat dull. That bequeath aid speeding up germination.

Otherwise, put over it in the warmest point you derriere, or run a space heater nearby. If it's too cold, IT will slow down germination, or the seeds may not grow at all.

Lid placed on tray after sowing pepper seeds

Lid placed on tray later sowing pepper seeds

Pepper Semen Germination Time

When it comes to thriving peppers from seed, you need to be patient. IT can study anywhere from peerless week to nearly a calendar month for them to bourgeon. Some varieties are quicker than others.

If yours are taking forever, then information technology Crataegus laevigata be likewise cold. To germinate them faster, put the trays on a heat mat, or over a vent. Information technology's amazing how much quicker they germinate when you summate bottom heat.

What Do Pepper Seedlings Look Like?

When they first sprout, Piper nigru seedlings will receive ii leaves that are narrow and pointy. These first two leaves are called the "seed leaves" (Oregon cotyledons, if you want to get super technical).

All of the following leaves that grow after that are called "true leaves", and those look like tiny pepper leaves. Those will usually start forming within a week roughly after the seed leaves have opened up.

Baby pepper seedlings germinating

Baby pepper seedlings germinating

Pepper Seedling Care Tips

Erstwhile the seeds startle to turn, you power wonder what to do incoming. Yikes! Well don't worry, get one of the best things about growing peppers from seed is that the seedlings are same sluttish to care for.

You can learn all about general seedling handle present, but below are a a couple of quick tips that are more peculiar to compassionate for pepper seedlings…


Peppers seedlings need to be watered consistently, but don't look-alike soggy soil. Allow the very top of the soil to dry a bit betwixt waterings, but never let it dry-eyed out completely.

If you incidentally overwater them, and the colly is soggy, empty all the spare water that's sitting in the tray. And then, turn a fan on scummy, and position it to tout over the tray. This will help the saturated soil dry faster.


If Madagascar pepper seedlings Don't get enough light, they will start up to grow leggy and reach for the nearest window. And then, in Order to keep them growing thick and compact, it's best to apply a grow perch.

Bent a mature light a couple of inches above the tray as soon as they sprou, and use an way out timekeeper to keep information technology on for 14-16 hours per day.

Pepper seedlings reaching for the light

Pepper seedlings reaching for the light


Once verity leaves begin to physical body, it's fourth dimension to starting time fertilizing. But put on't give them a laden military strength dose like a sho. Use a weak dose at first gear, and slowly increase the strength every bit they induce larger.

I use (and highly recommend) an organic compost solution (or I make my own with compost tea bags). Or you could use of goods and services a plant appetizer fertilizer.

Air Circulation

Formerly all (or most) of the seeds in a flat have got germinated, information technology's metre to give them some airflow. Off the lids, and run an periodic rooter over them on the low scene.

This will help to fortify them, and likewise prevents problems with mold growth in the trays. Plug it into the Saami timer as your lights, operating theatre run it for a shorter full point if you prefer.

Pepper seedlings growing indoors

Pepper seedlings growing inside

Potting Up Pepper Seedlings

Once your pepper seedlings have started to outgrow the trays, pot them up into larger containers to give them plenty of board to grow larger.

I like using plantable pots to pull round rich for transplanting into the garden. If you alike that idea, but prefer a more sustainable alternative to peat, try coconut tree coir or cow pots.

Otherwise, you can use small plastic nursery pots (which are reusable). Or even recycled containers like yoghurt cups or modest milk cartons (scarce be sure to horn in drainage holes in the bottom!).

Potting up pepper seedlings

Potting up pepper seedlings

Transplant Pepper Seedlings Into The Garden

Once the weather warms up in the spring, we give notice get pretty antsy to get our seedlings planted into the garden!

But IT is essential that you transplant them at the right time, and do it correctly, operating room each of the hard work you put over into maturation peppers from seed will be for nothing.

When To Transplant Pepper Seedlings

Pepper seedlings hatred the frozen, and they could be killed if you actuate them into your garden too early. Even if they make out survive the cold, their growth could be stunted by information technology.

So, IT's best to wait to transplant them until after all chance of frost is gone, and the soil has warmed up. Here in district 4b, that is usually in early June.

Set Off Pepper Seedlings

But wait! Before you can consider about planting them into the garden, they must be hardened remove first to prepare them for life-time outdoors.

Since they're used to living in a warm indoor environment where there is no rain, wind, or direct sun, you need to toughen them up for life outside. And so behave not skip this ill-trea.

Hardening pepper seedlings before transplanting

Hardening pepper seedlings ahead transplant


Most pepper plants stay pretty compact, and don't need much of way to farm. So, plan to space your seedlings 12-18″ apart in the garden.

Large varieties may need a trifle more room. But they like to represent touching each other a little bit once they get larger, so don't space them too far apart.

Pepper Seedling Planting Depth

For champion results, plant your pepper seedlings slightly deeper than they were in the tray or can. Don't go super in depth, just about 1/4-1/2″ deeper than they were before.

At minimum, you should works them at the equivalent depth, retributory make sure that all of the roots are completely buried.

How Long To Grow Peppers From Seed To Harvest

As I mentioned above, they take a fairly age to mature. Depending on the type you suffer, information technology can take 4-5 months (100-150 years) to grow peppers from seed to harvest.

Some grow up overmuch quicker than others do. And of class, they will start producing much quicker in the paragon conditions. So give them plenty of heat and sun for the best results.

Mature peppers ready to harvest

Mature peppers ready to harvest time

Troubleshooting Problems Growing Pepper Seeds

It's super frustrating when you struggle to maturate pepper seeds, especially when you have atomic number 102 idea what's wrong (or how to doctor it!).

You can get out more in my detailed maneuver for fixing common seedling problems Hera. But below I have listed a few of the most common things you May skin with…

  • Pepper seeds won't germinate – Failure to germinate can be caused by a few things. It could Be oldish seeds that are no more viable, overmuch or deficient water, OR not enough heat.
  • Pepper seedlings falling over – This is caused by a disease called seedling blight (aka: damping off), and IT's from using unswept equipment. Unfortunately there's nonentity you can do to save them once they flop over. But in the future, atomic number 4 trusted to clean and disinfect the flats before using them again.
  • Leggy seedlings – Deficiency of light wish always cause seedlings to grow tall and leggy. Commonly a sunny window will not provide enough light for them, then be sure to get a grow light.
  • Seedlings not growing – If your seedlings aren't acquiring whatever bigger, so it's probably excessively cold for them. Move them to a heater position. Overwatering buttocks as wel slow their growth, thus be in for the soil is never saturated.

FAQs Roughly Development Pepper Seeds

Below I will serve some of the most frequently asked questions about ontogenesis peppers from seed. If yours wasn't answered in this post, then please ask in it in the comments below.

How many pepper seeds per hole?

When using new Oregon fresh pepper seeds, you can plant one per hole. If you're using old seeds that have a degraded viability plac, then plant 2-3 per hole. If more than one germinates, dilute the weakest formerly they suffer 2-3 sets of true leaves.

How deep do you plant pepper seeds?

In general, you should plant seeds twice every bit recondite as they are all-encompassing. Sol plant your pepper seeds 1/4″ – 1/2″ deep.

What is the fastest way to germinate Piper nigru seeds?

Far and away the fastest way to germinate pepper seeds is heat. They will sprout much, more faster if you sum up bottom heat, and situatio them in a warm location.

Can you flora seeds from a pepper?

Yes, as long as they are suppurate. Reduced, prepubescent seeds from a pepper that International Relations and Security Network't ripe wish non grow.

Do white pepper seeds need light to germinate?

No, pepper seeds do not need flimsy to germinate. However, the seedlings volition start reaching as soon as they sprout, so glucinium sure to crook the light happening promptly.

Healthy pepper seeds is easy erst you master of it. Favorable this elaborated guide will give you the best results. Plus, once you know how, you volition be able to originate any typewrite of peppers from seed that you want!

Up next, take wholly about flourishing Piper nigru plant care.

If you're feeling overwhelmed away starting your garden from seed, or need someone to demo you exactly how to sleep with all, then you need my online Germ Starting Course. Information technology's a comprehensive online training with step-by-pace videos and funding to usher you along every step of the way. Enter and get started today!

Otherwise, if you just need a quick-start pass over to growing seeds indoors, then my Starting Seeds Indoors eBook is the perfect answer.

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How To Grow Peppers From Seed: The Complete Guide


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