Wax N Feed How Many Coats


cleanmycorolla is offline

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Re: how many coats of wax?

You can reach the point if diminished returns....where that point is who knows. But it does help in wasting product!

Back to the full-time grind.


OMRebel is offline

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Re: how many coats of wax?

If you're using the Mother's Cleaner Wax you're taking some of the old layer off each time you wax.


FUNX650 is offline

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Re: how many coats of wax?

Here lately...
I've noticed AGO forum member: Klasse Act has been keeping count of how many
"coats" of LSP's that his vehicle is wearing, depicted per his signature line below.

2011 Honda CR-Z EX/6MT/Storm Silver Metallic
"Some say...he likes Swedish fish because they're made with caranuba wax"
Current surface protection count...(83-22)


"Be wary of the man who urges an action in which he himself incurs no risk."
~Joaquin de Setanti


SON1C is offline

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Re: how many coats of wax?

I also believe the pure Nuba has a slight cleaning ability chemically, but as long as you enjoy it, whatever, nothing really wrong, to some you're wasting product but pure gold Nuba is a great wax that's pretty cheap so no worries


Setec Astronomy is offline

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Re: how many coats of wax?

As someone used to say on another forum (ok, it was Mosca IIRC) "the best way to get that just-waxed look is to have just waxed"


FUNX650 is offline

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Re: how many coats of wax?

Quote Originally Posted by SON1C View Post

I also believe the pure Nuba has a slight cleaning ability chemically

Irregardless of the "Brand" that touts their finishing-wax being of pure carnuba wax...
(That also has any cleaning ability, whether it be slight or chemically)...

That would be the ideal time for me to set-aside that particular Brand's so-called finishing-wax...
And find anothers to use.


"Be wary of the man who urges an action in which he himself incurs no risk."
~Joaquin de Setanti


BobbyG is offline

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Re: how many coats of wax?

Waxing is personal choice and beauty is in the eye of the beholder... Whether a hard wax, soft wax, liquid wax, or spray wax.

After a wash and dry I like to give the finish a once over with a quality spray wax like Optimum Spray Car Wax or Duragloss Aquawax...

BobbyG - 2004 Millennium Yellow Z06 Corvette


mwoolfso is offline

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Re: how many coats of wax?

Quote Originally Posted by SON1C View Post

I also believe the pure Nuba has a slight cleaning ability chemically, but as long as you enjoy it, whatever, nothing really wrong, to some you're wasting product but pure gold Nuba is a great wax that's pretty cheap so no worries

I have to apologize to all members who read this up front. I don't like coming across negative, rude, insensitive or arrogant, but I am a guy who has principles. I do not like it at all in a faceless forum where people just say things w/o checking their facts first. I APOLOGIZE. ;-) Please forgive me folks.

Now, that out of the way. Why not spend the additional 45 seconds, go to the manufacturer web site, and verify a suspicion before you post it? Sonic's statement is clearly not fact-based at all.

I have used Mother's CG 3-step process. The Pure Nuba is Step 3. My first thought after reading this was that there was NO WAY Mother's CG Step 3 would have any cleaning ability. If it did it would negate this line's cleaning system; since Step 2, a sealant, would be negatively affected. So I did some research before I posted this.

Within 25 seconds I found this URL. Read this, NO CLEANERS --->>>>

Mothers� California Gold� Pure Brazilian Carnauba Wax–Step 3.

Have a nice day.


Source: https://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/auto-detailing-101-a/59786-how-many-coats-wax.html

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